While our movement started small in Nova Scotia, we've started to gain momentum and are starting up a chapter in Manitoba. Each chapter conducts different activities but has the same goal: to End Ambulance Fees. Below is some information on each chapter and what's going on in each province.

Nova Scotia
The very first chapter of the End Ambulance Fees Initiative! Our Nova Scotia Chapter was founded in January 2020 and our leaders have been involved in local activism ever since!
Nova Scotia's End Ambulance Fees was able to convince Halifax Citadel-Sable Island MLA Labi Kousoulis to petition the government to start a qualitative scan of other jurisdictions in which ambulance fees have been abolished.
The Nova Scotia Chapter has been lucky enough to be featured in the following news outlets: Halifax Examiner, and Halifax Today.
The next project of the starting chapter of the End Ambulance fees Initiative is a documentary detailing the detrimental effects of ambulance fees on the Nova Scotia community.
Manitoba is the newest chapter of the End Ambulance Fees Initiative, founded in July, 2020, is still in its founding stages.
Manitoba's petition and letter template has just launched and we're excited to see what's next for the movement!